Feb. 3, 2014

Well I literally just found out 5 minutes ago…I’m moving!!!! I am going to Bracknell!!!! I know that means nothing to you guys, but I am pretty excited! My companion will be Sister Pink! She’s from Australia and she is really awesome so I’m excited! I am so sad that I will be leaving Guildford, and especially Sister West but I guess I am needed elsewhere. Bracknell isn’t to far away and I know nothing of what kind of area it is, but we will see I guess! As soon as I get my new address, I will let everyone know!

This email I wanted to talk about Lara. She was baptised in November. Through out the entire time I have known her she has been dealing with a custody battle with both of her children. This week she found out that both her son and daughter are leaving to the USA; for good. This means she will probably not see them for a long, long time. On top of this, she has struggled with severe depression, to the point of suicidal thoughts (probably part of the reason she is losing the kids). We met with her on Thursday, she put on a smile, tried to sound happy and optimistic. She started crying…she looked at us and said “I just want my daughter to find the gospel…” My heart ached. This woman has been through the hardest trial, that I can’t even imagine going through, and yet she focused her thoughts on the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and the hope that it can gives to us. She is still really struggling and was hospitalized on Sunday. But I know that through the Atonement, she will be healed. 
Just know that the Savior loves you, He knows you PERSONALLY. He has felt your pains and is willing to take your burdens. I have seen and felt His love. No matter what the trial, big or small, cast your burdens on the Savior. 
I love this Gospel, I love the hope it gives me. I HOPE everyone has a wonderful week!
Lots of love
Sister Brittain xoxoxo 

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Feb. 24, 2014


Well this week went by super fast…Probably because a lot was going on.
We went on exchange. I went to Reading, which is a really busy city, with lots of people and our Sister Training Leader is nuts and literally stops everyone. It was great though because an AMAZING miracle happened.
We had just finished looking for a few potential investigators a little early so we headed back to the train station. We sat next to a woman named Esmeralda as we waited for a delayed train. The most prepared woman ever. I have never just met someone like on my mission before. She asked us for the Book of Mormon and where to begin reading! She had questions on families and more. It was awesome. She said she had been searching for truth for over a year, a place where she could raise her to children. Even though I won’t be teaching her, miracles happen. Tender mercies of the Lord!
Another miracle that happened on exchange was Sharon! She is the partner of a less active member and Sister Pink taught her while I was gone. The teach went great and she has a baptismal date 🙂 Apparently Sharon is super ready for the Gospel. I haven’t met her yet, but I’m excited!
We had a zone conference on Friday, and it was good as always. I got to see Sister West and she had great news for me! Mandy is doing amazing!!! She even went to church and loved it! She said Mandy got up at 630, just to be ready and look super nice! And now she’s even thinking about baptism! Yes, I’m talking about crazy, drunk (but now sober) Mandy! Now THAT is a miracle. 
Church was normal yesterday, except for the fact that President Millar showed up. That was a surprise. He is such a great guy though, and apparently the oldest mission president and the nice age of 72. Fun fact about him for ya. I was just glad I didn’t have to teach the Gospel Principle class with him there… We have interviews with him this week so that’ll be cool.
Anyway, this was a pretty good! I would just like to share our Mission’s “song”. Its considered very special to the English people. It’s called “Jerusalem” It was written after a theory that Jesus Christ walked on the green hills and land of England during his ministry. I encourage you to look up the history of the song, it was written by William Blake.
And did those feet in ancient time. Walk upon England’s mountains green: And was the holy Lamb of God, On England’s pleasant pastures seen!
And did the Countenance Divine, Shine forth upon our clouded hills? And was Jerusalem builded here, Among these dark Satanic Mills?
Bring me my Bow of burning gold; Bring me my Arrows of desire: Bring me my Spear: O clouds unfold! Bring me my Chariot of fire!
I will not cease from Mental Fight, Nor shall my Sword sleep in my hand: Till we have built Jerusalem, In England’s green & pleasant Land
I love it. I love England. I love the people. Even if they can be grumpy when it rains…which is all the time 🙂
Have a great week!
Sister Brittain xxx

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Feb. 17, 2014


Well this week was pretty uneventful…Full of rain and wind. Seriously, SO windy. It seemed like a hurricane at some moments. But with the weather being dumb, it made our work a little difficult. 
Here are some highlights from my week:
We met with crazy Craig. We were waiting outside McDonalds when we saw him, we called for him and he was like “oh I thought we weren’t meeting til Thursday?”…”Craig…today is Thursday” Sigh… It was dark and cold but we were determined to try to teach him so we just sat on a bench outside. He had his dog with him and he was barking and squirming the whole time.. WORST LESSON EVER. He ended up at church again, this time he brought his creepy brother. We are pretty sure they are just really sketchy and want money from the church. Soooo we won’t be seeing them again. 
Also, I met a real life Dory from Finding Nemo. A recent convert name Lynne (who is SUPERB by the way) cares for this old lady named Betty and we were at her giant mansion for dinner on Sunday. So funny. Betty would ask “Oh! Do you girls live in Bracknell? I used to live down there!” Literally two minutes later…”Oh! Where do you girls live? Bracknell? I actually used to live down there!” I was trying really hard not to laugh, she asked like 7 times! She is a sweet lady though, but she is exactly like Dory 🙂
I read a talk this week from Elder Holland, “Come unto Me” and has  changed my whole outlook on the Gospel, the Atonement and basically my life. 
He is talking about the night that Christ suffered in Gethsemane, 
“On that very night, the night of the greatest suffering the world has ever known or ever will know, Christ said, “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto…Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it bet afraid” John 14:27″
How amazing and unselfish love is that? 
Holland goes on,
“I am convinced that none of us can appreciate how deeply it wounds the loving heart of the Savior of the world when he finds his people do not feel confident or secure in his hands or trust in his commandments”
That is what really touched me. Sometimes I feel like the Savior isn’t there for me, or He doesn’t understand me, but that is not true. That kind of thinking deeply wounds the Savior. If we trust in Him and “Come Unto Him”, he can heal us. He has walked and felt the pains and agonies we face, no matter how big or small. I love that I can share this with people everyday.
Anyway, fun fact, Elder Holland and his companion were the first missionaries to serve in Guildford, my last area. He mentions it in one his talks about Christmas 🙂
Well I am off to climb a tree. Pics will follow next week. Stay tuned 😛
I love you all!
Much love,
Sister Brittain xxx

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Feb. 10, 2014

So I have officially moved into a new area: Bracknell. Although its not that far away from Guildford, its a bit different. Its a new city, not so many rich people. Feels a lot like America. I’m loving it so far! And as far as the work goes, their is so much potential here. Me and Sister Pink (My aussie comp!) have a lot planned to kick this place into gear. Lots of miracles are happening  we actually have and found people to teach! So weird!!!

We are teaching a guy named Craig…who at first just wanted money from Bishop, but when we told him we can’t do that, he was still interesting in meeting with us. He actually asked how to become an Elder and if he can still be baptised even if was baptised once…He showed up to church twice already! Hopefully he goes places.
Anyway, so watch out, success is coming your way! 
I learned something really amazing this week. As we were studying in our Book of Mormon class, we read 1 Nephi 11. In this chapter, Nephi has a vision of the Lord and his ministry. In the vision, the Spirit of the Lord asks, “What desirest thou?” We began discussing what type of questions would WE ask the Lord if  He asked us what we desired. Would we ask why the sky is blue? Would we ask him to cure the diseases of the world? Would we want to know who wins the next American Idol? 
Ezra Taft Benson gave a talk once about this very question. And he has us turn to Acts 9:6, and there we learn the greatest question we can ask.  When Saul realized that the Savior is visiting him, as trembles with fear, He asks the Lord, “What wilt thou have me do?”
There is always more we can do to help the Lord. It’s not always talking about missionary work. This can be within our families, our callings, our school or work. We must prepare ourselves so that we can be brave enough to ask the Lord “What can do for YOU?” Jesus Christ has done so much for us, we must be willing to sacrifice for Him.
Well I love you all so much. I have officially been out 6 months, with only a year left. Time is going by fast, and I’m learning so much its hard to keep up!
Lots of Love,
Sister Brittain xoxoxo